Wycombe Tamil School was started in 2006 by Sivagyanam, Maithili, Ivan, Sasi, Neruka and Nila to teach Tamil and art lessons to Tamil children living in Wycombe. The first year started with 23 children and later became a very large Saturday School.
The Vikam Tamil Community Federation was started considering the other needs of our Tamil people apart from the education of their children. Mr. Chinnappu Deyvendra was elected as the Chairman. Flowing year Mr S Sriranjan was elected as President and continue to serve until today.

  1.  MR. S. SIRIRANJAN – 07841 522514
  2.  MR. N. LOKESWARAN – 07970 727348
  3.  MR. P. GANESALINGAM – 07834 455516
  4.  MRS. MAITHILI YOGANATHAN – 07535 000959