Gayathri Mantra Tamil

Gayantri Mantra ≠ Gayatri Mahamantra
Tamils misunderstand the Aryan word ‘Samasukkirutham’ as ‘Gayathri Mantra’ because the epithet ‘Kayam + Tri + Mantra = Kayanthiri Mantra’ is not known. This is wrong.
The Guru tradition says very clearly about the Gayatri mantra, “In order to attain the true, the true and the living, to attain the four stages of Patti Satti Siddhi Mutti, the Gayatri Mantra must be recited both in the morning and in the evening without weakening the four lives of fear, desire and shyness.”
We are now offering to our people the ‘Karuvara Uyirppu Manthiram’, ‘Kattu Manthiram’, ‘Aindi Vettam Thothiram’ …. etc. It is hailed as innovation, revolution, renaissance, development ….
Except that it is said in Sanskrit as ‘Gayathri Mantra’, we ask everyone in Tamil to use this mantra in Tamil immediately, irrespective of country, language, race, religion …. The mantras in Tamil are the only ones that belong to a particular race and have been created by eleven Siddhas in a way that everyone can use .
‘Taste the ancient senses of Om.!
Fortress within the seed of philosophy!
Let the fire dwell in the abode of the Barinco gods.!
Let the fire be the test of yoga! ‘