History of the temple

At the 2011 general meeting of the Vikam Tamil Social Federation, Mr. Chinnathurai Siriranjan was elected chairman. It was decided that the people of Vikam Vazh should have a temple and it should be a Murugan temple. At the request of Mr. Siriranjan, the name of the temple was decided as Uchi Murugan Temple as it is located in the High Wycombe. It was also decided to worship in Tamil in the temple. It was decided that the Vikam Tamil Academy and the Uchi Murugan Temple would be located within the Vikam Tamil Community Federation.
Mr. Sivaguru Raghunathan and Mr. Siriranjan visited several places for a place to conduct the temple and finally obtained permission to hold evening worship at the Mr. Siriranjan Castlefield Community Center every Friday evening.
Following this, preparations were made to start the temple with donations from many people. Mr. Ch. Dharmapala voluntarily donated images of idols (Pillaiyar Murugan-Valli-Deivana and Shiva-Parvati) from India.
The temple was inaugurated on the 14th of Chithirai in the year 2011 on the occasion of the Tamil New Year.
The effigy of Lord Murugan is from India. It was brought to England with the help of Srinivasan and was held on the 15th of August in the year 2012. Special Archbishop Shivaruchi Dharmalingam Sasikumar was invited to the function and the priests of Ealing Durga Amman Temple and Mr. Sathyan Iya performed the Kudamulukku ceremony in a very special manner.
Our association was sent to the Charity Commission for registration and fully accepted our Constitution and registered us. Registered Charity Number (Registered Charity Number) 1147539 Date of Registration 31 May 2012.
Thiruvalluvar Year 2044 (Vijayavarusam) Libra Monday (Ipasi Month) 2nd Day (18-10-2013) Friday Full Moon Day (Purana Tithi), Toninalvinmeen (Revathi Nakshatramum) Mikunalvelay (Panulakkina Supamukurtha Velayil) 12 hours 45 minutes to 1 hour 59 minutes Preliminary ceremonies were held with the worship of Goddess Karimuga and the Maha Kudamulu was held.
இடம் 200,000.00 A place was bought by Ipswich in 2016 at Bridge Street, High Wycombe, Bucks HP11 2EL with the help of Lord Murugan and Adiyar Prabhu. The multi-lakh renovation (building) work will start on February 6, 2017 and will be completed by the end of 2018. As of today we have repaid 550,000.00. We made this return with the help of a loan from a few individuals and a bank loan.
For the first time in the new building purchased on 27th January 2017, Shanti Puja Archbishop Shivarushi Dharmalingam Sasikumar Archbishop Sureshkumar and Mr. Sathyan Iya performed well together.
Also on the 10th of Madangal (Avani) came from India the Kar Swamis Imbon Swamis and many items for worship. Now sculptors for sculptural work; Will be coming from India as soon as possible.
Also, on Monday (January 2019), Thiruvalluvar will be holding the year 2050 in a very special way. Worship in our temple will be maintained with the help of two Tamil priests from Eelam and the native Tamil priests of our Central Swiss Vegan School (Saivanerikoodam, Europapl. 1, 3008 Bern, Switzerland).
None of the priests in our temple would ask for a gift (tatsana) for themselves. So instead of paying them, pay the amount you want at the bureau and get the appropriate receipt.