Nataraja ten

Chidambaram literally means temple to the Sikhs. Hrutaya place of man in the world , culumunai natiyilum the location. Place for reciting Upanishads ( Pundarikapuram , Taharakasam). The temple of salvation to visit. Surrounded by thyme plants. The abode of Lord Shiva in the abomination. Patanjali , viyakrapata place served sages. A place of grace with want. A place of fear of death. The idol of Chidambaram is Sri Nadaraja Rajar.
All deities are worshipable. The one who carries the most essential sound instrument (Tamarugam) and the light instrument (fire flame) in his hands without carrying any weapons . Panchakrutya (creation , protection , destruction ,Concealment , grace ) blissful dancer. Cody is a solar eclipse. Nadaraja Ten – Nataraja Ten written by Sirumanavoor Munusamy, who lived about three hundred years ago, is very popular among vegetarians. Nataraja’s ten songs belong to the category of the most easily understood words , concentrated ideas , and beautiful chants. The lyrics that end with ” Eesane Sivagami Nesane Enaiyinra Thillaivazh Natarajan ” at the end of each song can be heartbreaking. If you read each song with your mind, its meaning can be easily understood. Sirumanavoor Munusamy has written the songs “Nadaraja Pattu” due to the extreme devotion of Sri Natarajar in Thillai. Sing and recite this on every Thiruvathirai festival at Natarajar Sannidhi in Sivathala. Natarajar will be blessed with 16 blessings by grace . Those who recite this will definitely have the grace of Sri Natarajar.
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