Shiva Purana

Introduction: Sivapuranam is the entry of Tamil-speaking Sivanadiyars into their mouths. It was the first entry in the liturgy, famous for its stone and mineral deposits. The epic, which begins with the first letter of the Holy Scriptures, is highlighted in the Adiyar prayers and is a testament to its glory. Isn’t this story called Siva Purana talking about Siva Purana? Why is it called Shiva Purana? He begins by offering his heartfelt salutations to the Poovar Thiruvatis, presenting Lord Shiva, the ancestor of Manika Vasaka, in many ways. He shows us the time when Siva’s life was trapped in the mud and the greatness of Lord Shiva finally going to Thiruvadi by telling Lord Shiva about the improvements made by Lord Shiva. From the depression in which Sivan is entangled in the vortex, This is the Shiva Purana as it speaks of the unparalleled greatness attained by Sivagati by the grace of Lord Shiva. Due to the simplicity of the text, the text can be read and used without the help of text. However, the text has been drawn up with the idea that it may be useful for loved ones to refer to some words that are no longer in use in the everyday language of the junction and to refer to certain concepts that are related there. Praise be to the Lord of Mercy for forgiving and avoiding the mistakes of the neat Nimalanar. Record and text. Tiruchirappalli Namachchivaya Vaalka Nathan paper live I still do not move the paper in my heart to live the paper Kokazhi ruler his paper live akamam akininnu annipan paper live Ekan many Lord adivalka 5 Meaning: Namachivaya live. Long live Nathan Thiruvadi. In the blink of an eye, my heartfelt congratulations to Thiruvati. Thiruvaduthurai Andarulum Guruvagiya Manikkathin Thiruvadi Vaalka. Long live the Thiruvati of the one who stands by himself and comes near us. Long live the Lord Thiruvati who is one and many. Note: 1. It is very sweet that the reader of Manikka said the scripture of Namachchivaya as the first sound of his verse. It is the manifestation of His humility to say the name of Lord Shiva as the first of our worshipers without even beginning to say that Shiva should live. 2. Getting a special place in the church is akamam. Praising it in this first entry shows him the greatness of the Agamas milk. When the Vedas speak of the nature of the Lord, the Agams show us how far one can attain that greatness. If the Vedas are knowledge then the Agams are the application of that knowledge. Thus, because the Agams show us the way to the Lord, and because the Agams are blessed by the Lord, He praises the Lord as “the One who gives the Agams and brings them closer.” 3. The Lord is one. (Ekam Sat – Veda, One Tribe and One God – Thirumanthiram). He dominates us in many guises in order to keep us cows alive. Vendan adi velka pirapparukkum pinnagan tan vey purakattalkku seyon tan pungakalkal velka karam kuvil velka kiram kavalkal velka siram kuvil velkuvikum siron kazhal velka 10 May the great team with the head-scratching head, which eliminates birth, win. May the flower-like soft buds of the far-off (rare object) conquer those who stand by themselves. May the hands of the king, who rejoice in the soul, be victorious. May the chains of the Most Merciful, who elevate the humble worshipers to the highest level, prevail. Note: 1. Speed loss – refers to the elimination of grief. It also refers to the grace of Eisen, who stabilizes his milky mind by slowing down the speed of the mind (wandering uncontrollably) and the speed of the cat that comes with it. 2. Pinnagan – can also mean one who wears a peel. (For details on Lord Kurandasuran wearing a peel, see the Kanda Purana in the words of Tadeesi Sage.) Eesan Adiporri Entai Adipori Desan Adipori Shiva Sevadi Porri Neyatthe Ninra Nimalan Adi Porri Mayap Pirappu Arukkum Mannan Adi Porri Sirar Perundurai Nam Devan Adi Porri 15 Meaning: Thiruvadi Porri of the possessor of everything. Standing as my father and praising Thiruvati of Arulupavan. Thiruvati praises the light form. Sivantha Thiruvadi Potri of the object known as Shiva. Thiruvati praises the pure one who stands in love. Thiruvati praises the exalted one who removes the birth of magic. Praise be to our God Thiruvati who is in Tiruperundurai where the system is excellent. Note: 1. Desu – Oli (Sibivishtaya Nama: – Shiva Ashtottaram) Shiva is the mountain that bestows the pleasure of worship, so he stood in my mind, so he worshiped his paper with his grace, Shiva Purana himself, the whole of the previous verb Oya Uraiyan Yan 20 Meaning: The mountain of grace that bestows uncontrollable pleasure Compliments to someone like. Because Lord Shiva has come to my mind with great compassion, I will recite all the deeds done before this, which is the Shiva Purana, in worship of his Thiruvati with the help of his Lord. Note: 1. These lines “Shiva is in my mind so I bow down to his paper by his grace” are of great value not only to the slave who is full of love but also to those who love philosophy. The idea that is repeated in the Bible is, “The Lord Himself will come and rule.” See in ideology the Lord simply stands for the sake of all our lives as bound cows. It is possible to worship the Lord who has come so simply and with the help of the grace of the Almighty. (அருளே துணையாக… அப்பர் சொற்றுத்துறை செல்லும் அடைவோமே – சம்பந்தர்) கண் நுதலான் தன் கருணைக்கண் காட்டு வன்து எய்தி எண்ணுதற்கு எட்டா எழில் ஆர்கழல் இறைஞ்சி விண் நிறைந்த மண் மணும் I came here because a lord with one eye on his forehead showed his compassionate eye. Worshiping the unthinkable abyssal thiruvatis, the sky, the earth and all that is left of it, the luminosity, the measuring boundaries are all great! – I do not know the type of praise that your great great qualities lie in bad reactions. Note: 1. The beginning of the ideological world that the microcosm (microscopic body) and their reactive (pimple) bodies were then bestowed by God for the survival of cows bound by affection. 2. Nuthal – forehead; இறைஞ்சி – வணங்கி; Die – passed; Glory River – Glory type. I was born and raised as a grasshopper, as a bird, as a serpent, as a bird, as a serpent, as a serpent, as a living being, as a serpent, as a bird, as a serpent, as a serpent, as a serpent. , As a human being, as a disembodied demon, as a multifarious ensemble, as a mighty monster, as a sage, as a god. Note: 1. Virugam – animal; Plant association – (Plant association) Average. May I see your golden feet and go home today. This is the true meaning of burning up of bad psychic imprints on the mind. The one who drives the bull! The Vedas “Sir!” The one who is the smallest object who seeks to explore and explore many qualities in a way that is greatly astonishing! Note: 1. Home for those who know the glory of the Lord and are immersed in His transcendence – Scripture. 2. The Vedas are deeply researched in many ways, and from many angles he realizes the lack of words to express his pride. Such a great man is full of the smallest. What the heck is this ?! வெய்யாய், தணியாய், இயமானனாம் விமலா பொை ஆயின எல்லாம் போய் அகல வந்தருளி மெய் ஞானம் ஆகி மில்கின்ற மெய்ச் சுடரே எஞ்சனம் இல்லாதேன் இன்பப் பெருமானே அஜ்ஞானம் தன்னை அகல்விக்கும் நல் அறிவே 40 பொருள்: வெப்பமாகச் சுடுகின்றவரும் நீரே. Immaculate in my possession! Falsehoods come and go in the color that removes everything, and the truth shines as true knowledge! Great pleasure for me who has no knowledge! The ignorance that goes away is ignorance! Note: 1. Damage to darkness due to excessive flame – பசவண்ணர். Woe to the liar who comes with the true Lord in his heart. 2. Veyya – dry / hot; Relieve – Cool. The size of the creation is not final, all the world will be destroyed, the cow will be destroyed, the grace will be given, the path will be infused, the scent of your cradle will be straightforward, sayai, naniyane change of mind. You create all the worlds, make them last (indefinitely), (eventually) destroy, bestow grace, and lead lives into delusion! You will smoke me in your servant crowd. Smell (scent) is a subtle (subtle) substance! The farthest, the closest! Hide hero who does not stand for word and thought! Note: 1. The Lord, like all others, refers to the origin, life, and infinity, and manifests His openness to the fact that He operates through the five industries of creation, protection, destruction, concealment, and blessing of all other things. 2. Op. You will understand the grace of your servant. 3. Smell spreads as invisible particles. The Lord is even more subtle than that. 4. Decay – distance; நணியது – being near; Change – Word. Our great colors of birth, sawing the five births, the celestial lights were hidden, Emperuman …… Meaning: Then the sugarcane juice mixed with the weaving of the last milk is as good as pouring honey into the minds of the slaves, Our great to receive! All five became you! You hid the angels as rare as they could stand, emperor! Note: 1. Lord Shiva, out of love for the souls suffering from reactive birth, appears in their hearts very easily and as a sweet fountain of honey, not by hard methods, but cuts off their affectionate feces. . Valvinayen himself 50 to cover the occult darkness with a rope of covering the outer skin wrapped around the epidermis and cover with worm dirt everywhere, to make the deceit of the nine mouths of the shit-laden hut malanga senses, 55 Meaning: To be bound by the magic of the occult that hides me trapped in the deadly verb, Surrounded by a skin full of perishable and dirty tissue, the five senses are deceived into keeping the body in the house with nine holes for excretion of feces, Note: 1. The structure of the body is described. With an animal mind, Vimala gives you the mixed melting love and the inner melting good, the land that came to her, showing the elongated tubes of grace, and the philosophy of the 60th mother who is the best mother in the dog shop means: With a mind full of thoughts scattered in disunity, immaculate, full of love that is present in you, leaking with that fullness, bestowing grace on me, who is a child without goodness who melts inwardly, who came to this world with a sense of grace, who showed more of your long, beautiful, disfigured love, and who was in a state of disgusting love to the dog. Possessing a philosophical object! Note: 1. Although we are in a state of disgrace, the Lord does not see our disgrace and push us aside, and the color of those who rule us by immeasurable grace is worshiped here. Immaculate test flower blossoming Desane honey Aramute Sivapurane affectionately cutting Aryan friendly Blessing and deceit in the heart of the 65 Perurakunaip perare meaningless: Innocent pure light is like a blooming flower, sweet flame! ஒளியுருவினனே! An elixir full of honey! O owner of Sivapuram! The best understanding of the Lord to cut the affectionate bond! Happy charity is understood, so unless my heart is deceived, my heart will not move and the flood of generosity will overflow! Note: 1. The Lord guides the living by showing mercy and forgetfulness according to His character. Lord Manivasaka praises the way in which Lord Shiva has made way for all the deceptions of the heart by showing mercy to him. Ara amuthe alavilap pemmane oradar ullattu olikkum oliyane nirai uruki n aruyirai ninrane inpamum tunpamum illane ullane 70 Meaning: Saturated elixir! Great for crossing levels! The one who has no interest / effort is the hidden light in the soul! He who melts (my soul) into water and stands as my life! Beyond the pleasures and pains! உள் நிற்பவனே! Note: 1. The Lord is in everyone’s heart. We call Him God because He is omnipresent and at the same time transcends everything. Yet those who are interested and diligent feel him by Lord Shiva. Others are as invisible to him as he is from near and far, like a loudspeaker unconnected to the frequency. (O. To be taken as the temple of the heart after worship – Tirumular) 2. One of the qualities of the Lord is pleasure in the range. Asked if it is appropriate to say “there is no pleasure and no pain” to be so, the Lord has no pleasure or suffering from anything else. It is in the material world that it delights in its perpetual pleasure. Dear, dear, dear, dear, dear, dear, dear, dear, dear, dear, dear, dear, dear, dear, dear, dear, dear, dear, dear, dear, dear, dear, dear, dear, dear, dear, dear, dear, dear, dear, dear, dear, dear, dear The one who becomes everything by himself and nothing automatically! சுடருருக்கொண்டவனே! The one who is dark and dark! The one who is proud of not being born! Be the first! Finally and in the intermediate stage, all these theories are past! (Like a magnet) Attract me and make me a subject – the leader of my father who blessed me with a slave! What a wonderful way to screw people over and get their day started! Their research ability is astounding! Note: 1. Although Lord Shiva appears to be mixed with all objects, none of these are His. Everything is passing as he is attending. 2. Lord Shiva has no incarnation. He was not born. 3. Although the Lord appeared simple to loved ones, His magnanimity is beyond anyone’s comprehension. That is why the reader of Manika wonders at the ability of the sages to try to see some of his nature. (O. I know the indistinguishability of a great flame – Thirumanthiram) My guard who guards the coming and going of the profit is the visible light, the river is the flood of pleasant bliss. The guardian deity who protects me! The one who has so much light that is rare to see! What a flood of pleasure that comes constantly and systematically! Father! Note: 1. What does the Lord remove when He is omnipresent, what He does not have to come new, what He does not mix with – to mix anew? Thus, in spite of everything, he is the purest and most pious idol, without being diminished by the nature of the object. 2. The Lord is indescribable in words. Known by the subtle sense. (O. avanarule kannu kanin allal ippatiyan innirattan ivvannattan ivan iraivan enu uruvan kattonate – Thevaram) Told in various ways in this world, is theoretically (the juice at the end of the study) theorem! The usefulness of that theorem is clear! The most rare and desirable amuta pour to eat in my mind! The one who rules over me! Unable to lie down inside this body of flesh with various strains, my leader! Arane! Oh! Note that in many ways: 1. o. Ekam Sat Vipra Bahauda Rumor – Veda. பொற்றிப் புகழ்ந்திருந்து பொய்கெட்டு மெய் ஆனார் மீட்டு வந்து வினைப்பிறவி சாராமே கள்ளப் புலக்குரம்பைக் கட்டு அழிக்க வல்லானே நள் இருளில் நட்டம் பயின்று ஆடும் நாதனே தில்லை உள் கூத்தனே தென்பாண்டி நாட்டானே 90 பொருள்: Destroy the construction! Nathan who dances in the darkness of nothing else! Thillai is playing in Chidambaram! Possessor of the country of the South! Note: 1. Darkness refers to the absence of (light). After all the worlds have converged, there is nothing but God, like darkness. The Lord dances as light in that darkness. Saying Ariyal to say ‘Allal piravi aruppane o’, Selvar will realize the meaning of the song sung under Thiruvadi and say that many people under Siva’s under Selvat Sivapuram bowed down. 95 Subject: Eliminate the birth that is not full! Oh! Those who call on the Rare Lord for the word and worship the (Lord) Thiruvati and realize the meaning of the song recited from under it will go to the Thiruvadi shadow of Lord Shiva in Sivapuram, which will be praised and glorified by many. Note: 1. The glory of such worship is emphasized by the worship of oneness with the senses by realizing the meaning. Tiruchirappalli