What did Ganesha ask?

Auvaiyar was a great poet who lived during the Sangam period. The golden age of rich Tamil language and the good governance of the scepter kings. The grammar of devotion, Auvaiyar. He sings heartily to Lord Ganesha.
“I will give you a mixture of milk, honey, lentils and lentils. You give me Sangat Tamil three. ”
How do most people pray to God in this modern age? “God, I am coming to your temple. I will break the coconut for you. I put the money in the piggy bank. Give me money, give me education, give me what I need. ” That’s not a big mistake at all. They ask the Lord to make up for what he lacks. Is that so? In this physical world, if we give something away, will we get what we want? As the minds of the people are united with the same practice, the solemn belief that they will get what they want only if they give something to God is rooted in the mind.
Everyone asks God. But what does he ask? Money? Gold? பொருள்? Is not all this perishable? Or did he ask the Lord for salvation? No. Auvaiyar asks ..
“Lord, I give you a mixture of milk, clear honey, sugar syrup and grains. For that you give me the kisses of Iyarthamil, Isaithamil and Natakathamil ”.
Auvaiyar, a poet of the Sangam period, also asked God to give him kisses. You can ask God for wealth, you can ask for education, you can ask for strength. But, why does a poet ask God for Tamil? Auvaiyar is a Tamil-loving poet, so it can be taken that he asked the Lord for Tamil. It may have been an ava for the great Tamil poet Auvaiyar that his Tamil knowledge should continue to grow as long as he was alive. So he may have heard of Sangathamil three. But shouldn’t a true devotee expect anything from the Lord? I give you four kinds of goods, instead why make it a condition that you give me three kinds of goods? There is a reason!
“Lord, give me kisses too! I have to sing heartfelt songs about you. I should be heartbroken by writing poetry about you. Set up a play about you and I should count your fame. You have to sing and melt in rich, very tasty Tamil. You keep giving me the honey of Tamil, I will sing you in Tamil as long as my life stays in the body ”
This is the true meaning of the song. So, next time we sing this song too, let us know the meaning of this song and pray to God to give us good vocabulary and Tamil wisdom to sing to Him always!